Monday, February 6, 2012

Heya folks,
I went to Lübeck this weekend. It's a city in the north of germany.
I went there with my german class and we had a lot of fun.
The city got old architecture and I was totaly overwhelmed by it. I realy am interested in this. But it also was bloody cold and windy, so I came back with a bad cold.
To see all these great buildings has worth the long journey. When we went to see the Buddenbrook house, we found a little shop called tiger. I couldn't resist to buy this: Mustages! :D They also got umbrellas with mustages on it.
Funny, huh? It was an exciting but also stressfull weekend.
I wonder where I gonna travel next time.

Yours Miku Miharu ♡

1 comment:

  1. haha wie süß die sachen sind 8D ♥

    freut mich jedenfalls, dass es dir dort gefallen hat! ^^
