As promised I want to tell you more about my Sinon Cosplays and why they are doomed.
Because Asuna and Sinon are my two favorite Characters from Sword Art Online I already did the Undine Outfit of Asuna and 3 Versions of Sinon (and I plan to do more!).
While making Asuna's Cosplay went rather smoothly I had trouble with all the 3 Versions of Sinon.
First of all I want to let you know that not everything about these Cosplays was or is bad, I also had fun and am happy to say that I even won a contest with one of the Sinon cosplays, but more about that later.
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the picture that I won the contest with |
The Cosplay was planed for the Frankfurt Bookfair and I started preparing for it pretty early. It didn't take long to sew all the stuff but when it came to crafting the breastplate I nearly went mad. Instead of a nice curve the breastplate I made turned out straight like a stick. I was overthinking my pattern several times and had to throw away almost a whole role of Worbla and foam with which I made the breast plate. Because I didn't know what to do I asked my friend and cosplaypartner to help me out and she came to my house to support me. She immediately figured out the mistake that I made when creating the pattern and now that I think about it again it was a pretty stupid mistake. With her help I managed to eventually craft the breastplate, yet I'm not 100% happy with it but 90%.
But that wasn't the only struggle I had with the Alfheim Version. In the beginning I planned to order the same wig twice with the intention to take the long parts out of one and sew it into the other to make Sinon's long front hair, because I didn't like the character wigs that I found online.
The wigs I ordered needed about 3 weeks to arrive and it turned out that even the longest parts where to short. Luckily I still had a lot of time, send one wig back and asked the shop to send me a longer wig which had the exact same color displayed on the pictures.
Guess what? When it arrived after 3 more weeks the hair color was totally different. I sent it back once again because it have the color that I wanted for the Sinon cosplay so I couldn't even cut that wig to the desired hairstyle.
Now I only had 1 more week till the book fair and in my despair I ordered blue extensions that would arrive one day before the convention. I was so stressed out at this time. When the extensions didn't arrive I wouldn't be able to wear my cosplay at all. But for once I was lucky, they arrived in time and even the color was the same as my wig.
I wanted it to be a temporary solution and planned to order another wig when I want to do a real shooting.
Regardless of the stress we had a lot of fun and took a lot of pictures at the convention even thought it was extremely cold in that cosplay.
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forgot the bobby pins. :( |
In the end I was one of the 3 finalists. I was the only one who send in a cosplay picture, the other two had sent in a drawing.
The person with the most likes would win so I mobilized all my friends to help me out. When I was at the first place suddenly the shit-storm began.
People commented mean things under my picture. They said things like: "A cosplay is less worth then a drawing because you have to put more effort in a drawing then in sewing and crafting.", "the picture has a bad quality", "It's not worth winning because it has 'nothing to do with the topic #mangayourself''" and the worst thing I heard was, that someone said that I was lying by saying that I did this cosplay myself and that I bought it.
I was very angry at that time but I didn't want to get myself involved in such a meaningless discussion and it was no use to talk seriously with those people.
I kept quiet over all the hate comments and my friends supported me with sharing the picture.
Despite all the hate I ended up winning the contest. I was very happy and planed to do the Sinon GGO Version before I start my year aboard.
The Sinon GGO Cosplay is the first cosplay I didn't do myself. It's the first time I bought a cosplay and when it arrived the pants didn't fit and I wasn't able to close the belt even thought it was size M (on a side-note: I usually wear S-M).
I planned to work it over when I find someone to shoot it with me but since it was close before my flight I didn't manage to shoot it anymore and I absolutely forget to buy a new wig.
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still with the improvised wig... OTL |
I brought my GGO Cosplay to Japan and met a cosplay-friend from France who therefore lend me the Idol Version.
Another bad thing happened. When I arrived in Tokyo and checked my luggage parts of the cosplay missing. The hair clip, a glove and the accessorize for the arm was missing. I was angry again because this cosplay was troubling me again and when I packed my luggage I double checked on the cosplay, which means that someone on the airport might have taken a look into my trunk and didn't pack the things back carefully.
We improvised a little bit and when we shoot the GGO we tried to cover or hide the glove-less hand. That's the reason why I'm wearing only one glove on the GGO pictures from ACOSTA. I'm very sorry. You might also wonder about the missing hairpiece and the pants... I bought material at the 100Yen shop and tinkered a new hairpiece, the pants is actually the same as the one that I used for my Alfheim Version, but Sinon's pants in GGO actually looks different, but I didn't have another choice.
Now that I 'fixed' the things I'm planning on doing a proper GGO shooting. All I need is a nice wig. For ACOSTA I lend the wig of my friend and asked her where she got hers. She sent me the shop's link so I could buy it but... the wig is sold out. I tell you it's doomed.
The last Version, the Idol Version, is not really doomed because it's from my friend, but at first I feared it wouldn't fit me. It was indeed a little tight around the chest and when I was wearing it at a Convention in Tokyo I forgot to wear the gloves and the bracelet the whole time and just realized it when we went back to the changing rooms.
Even when I wrote the article I had to write it twice because the page refreshed itself once. And did you realize, on that one GGO Version picture that I uploaded on Facebook I forgot the bobby pins in my hair.
Maybe I should do more Asuna instead, haha.
This is actually everything that I wanted you to know about my struggle with Sinon... I love the character non the less. What do you think?
Is there a Version you want to see on me?
Miharu ♥
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